This package simulates qualitative press perturbation scenarios for network models specified as signed directed graphs.

The package has four main functions.

  • The package reads signed directed graphs from pre-specified formats and generates a community matrix.

  • The package samples a community matrix to generate a set of outcomes which can explored interactively.

  • The package provides a means to specify combinations of validation criteria and press perturbation scenarios, and to determine the proportion of simulated outcomes that meet these specifications.


First install the dependencies from CRAN:

install.packages(c("tcltk2", "XML", "devtools"))

(This assumes that R has been compiled with Tcl/Tk support, which should be true for most distributions.)

Then install QPress itself from GitHub, using the devtools package.

devtools::install_github("SWotherspoon/QPress", build_vignettes = TRUE)

(QPress otherwise does not need devtools for normal use.)

The package vignettes can be viewed with:


